
7 free secrets to stealth attraction techniques summarized
7 free secrets to stealth attraction techniques summarized

  • Avoid overusing any one of the four sentence types.
  • TOEFL independent writing strategies: Use advanced and simple grammar, especially showing syntactic variety.
  • TOEFL independent writing strategies: Use 1-2 specific details containing precise and clear words in each body paragraph.
  • TOEFL independent writing strategies: Make sure that you write arguable topic sentences in each body paragraph.
  • TOEFL independent writing strategies: Write 100 word introductory paragraph.
  • Example thesis statements for the agree/disagree TOEFL independent writing task.
  • Avoid these overused, generic, and grade-killing thesis statements:.
  • 7 free secrets to stealth attraction techniques summarized

    TOEFL independent writing strategies: Write a specific three-point thesis.TOEFL independent writing strategies: Engage briefly in pre-writing activities.Model Response for “Make an argument from multiple sides”.“Make an argument from multiple sides” TOEFL writing prompt.Model Response for “Explain both sides” TOEFL Writing Prompt.“Explain both sides” TOEFL writing prompt.Model Response for “Agree or Disagree” TOEFL Writing Prompt.“Agree or disagree” TOEFL writing prompt.TOEFL Independent Writing Strategies: Decode the writing task.Having a conclusion that restates the most important points.Using a variety of cohesive techniques to connect ideas within paragraphs and to create a sense of overall coherence.Making sure to use a combination of simple and basic grammar, including using short and long sentences.Using 1-2 details in each paragraph with clear and precise word choice.Writing each 100 word body paragraph with clearly marked arguable topic sentences by restating a key point from the thesis.Writing a 100 word introduction with a sharply focused three-point thesis.Taking 2-3 minutes to make an informal outline.Several important strategies will help you succeed where so many others have failed: However, if you master these TOEFL independent writing strategies, you will have a great chance of reaching 30/30 points. In addition, it may take you a few days to learn everything that I teach here.

    7 free secrets to stealth attraction techniques summarized

    Every single word you read will help you to improve your independent writing score. These TOEFL independent writing strategies will give you the tools you need to score higher than 24 points.

    7 free secrets to stealth attraction techniques summarized